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Ē-sái將下底ê文字kho͘去文字檔案,換無kâng ê軟體、字體試看māi,kám有lóng正確顯示:

A (Precomposed):
a á à â ā ă A Á À Â Ā Ă
A (Combined):
a à á â ā a̍ ă a̋ A À Á Â Ā A̍ Ă A̋

I (Precomposed):
i í ì î ī ĭ I Í Ì Î Ī Ĭ
I (Combined):
i ì í î ī i̍ ĭ i̋ I Ì Í Î Ī I̍ Ĭ I̋

U (Precomposed):
u ú ù û ū ŭ ű U Ú Ù Û Ū Ŭ Ű
U (Combined):
u ù ú û ū u̍ ŭ ű U Ù Ú Û Ū U̍ Ŭ Ű

O (Precomposed):
o ó ò ô ō ŏ ő O Ó Ò Ô Ō Ŏ Ő
O (Combined):
o ò ó ô ō o̍ ŏ ő O Ò Ó Ô Ō O̍ Ŏ Ő

O + dot + tone mark:
o͘ ò͘ ó͘ ô͘ ō͘ o̍͘ ŏ͘ O͘ Ò͘ Ó͘ Ô͘ Ō͘ O̍͘ Ŏ͘
O + tone mark + dot:
o͘ ò͘ ó͘ ô͘ ō͘ o̍͘ ŏ͘ O͘ Ò͘ Ó͘ Ô͘ Ō͘ O̍͘ Ŏ͘
O (Precomposed) + dot:
o͘ ó͘ ò͘ ô͘ ō͘ ŏ͘ O͘ Ó͘ Ò͘ Ô͘ Ō͘ Ŏ͘

E (Precomposed):
e é è ê ē ĕ E É È Ê Ē Ĕ
E (Combined):
e è é ê ē e̍ ĕ e̋ E È É Ê Ē E̍ Ĕ E̋

M (Precomposed):
m ḿ M Ḿ
M (Combined):
m m̀ ḿ m̂ m̄ m̍ m̆ m̋ M M̀ Ḿ M̂ M̄ M̍ M̆ M̋

N (Precomposed):
n ń ǹ N Ń Ǹ
N (Combined):
n ǹ ń n̂ n̄ n̍ n̆ n̋ N Ǹ Ń N̂ N̄ N̍ N̆ N̋

Nā無確定結果,chia有提供1份已經kā文字轉圖ê PDF檔案,ē-sái ka-tī比對看māi:



  1. But gamblers' loss in online sports activities betting swelled A$3.2 billion or 80% to A$7.1 billion in the same interval, showed figures supplied by business consultancy H2 Gambling Capital, which excluded credit score usually rewarded in promotions. For people who find themselves} actually good at blackjack, the advantage for the casino might be solely zero.5%, but sure types of slot machines may need a 35% edge over a player—and different games fall someplace in between. The slot machine odds are often a few of the the} worst, ranging from a one-in-5,000 to one-in-about-34-million likelihood of winning the top prize when using the maximum coin 카지노 play. Responsible gamblers see gambling as a form of leisure. Set limits on the quantity of money and time spent gambling; take frequent breaks; avoid drug/alcohol use whereas gambling; and solely gamble when you've have} a optimistic outlook—not in an attempt to escape from feelings of stress, loneliness or depression. Remember, you have to be 18 to gamble in New York, including shopping for lottery or raffle tickets.

  2. Bending - the process of applying stress to specific areas of the bottom metallic to achieve a desired form. Powder coating offers your sheet metallic a more durable and aesthetically-pleasing end. However, it provides a harder end, allowing your sheet metallic to hold up in opposition to minor impacts that may cause chips, scratches, and Disposable Shower Caps dents in regular paint. Polishing sheet metallic as a means of ending is the place a layer of oxidation and in addition a skinny layer of the material itself is ground off. In doing so it smooths out the metallic, eradicating imperfections, and making it gleam as soon as} more.


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